春夏秋冬的相伴,离不开美好家居的存在。时光总会缓慢流走,留下的唯有刻画过光阴的痕迹与回忆故事。 极简而居,充分彰显出该豪宅本身的设计概念,利用自然元素和材料与环境相融合,灌注独特的艺术含义,这才是主人与设计团队的由衷想法。 This work focuses on the theme of "lightness and simplicity", using smooth aesthetics combined with various materials to cleverly connect with nature. It not only contains poetic and picturesque connotations, but also has a great sense of comfort and balance. 每一天的日常形态衍变成为家的修饰效果,结合温馨平和的环境气氛,让人工设计的痕迹慢慢被美好日常所遮盖,从而赋予松弛得体的包容度。 The daily form of each day evolves into a decorative effect of home, combined with a warm and peaceful atmosphere, allowing the traces of artificial design to gradually be covered by beautiful daily life, thereby giving a relaxed and appropriate tolerance.
Combining the kitchen, dining room, and living room to achieve perfect integration, and utilizing an open layout to weave more home possibilities. Reduce the complexity and excess of appearance through minimalist decoration. It seems to give all things in space a relaxed and light form, making daily life more free and natural.
Using a wide range of wood veneers to decorate the space environment, creating a warm theme and spreading a romantic atmosphere. Combining a transparent environment with minimalist design and elegant Zen, it provides a more gentle and happy home experience.
The kitchen, dining room, and living room use an open layout to achieve barrier free integration, thereby enhancing the intimacy of the home. The cooking area is mainly minimalist, with black and white rendering to highlight the clear dimension of color tones, thereby diluting the overall sense of oppression and giving people a more comfortable and healing experience of beauty.
The sleeping space can also become a place for inner healing. Combining clever design to outline a romantic warmth, accompanied by a graceful melody in the space, completely relaxing the tired state.
Only by personally arriving at the destination can one truly appreciate the beautiful feeling. It is a faint warmth accompanied by tranquility and silence, and each spatial detail seems to constantly express independent words, giving more personalized expression.